Many people pick an area to live in because they have family close by or know people in the neighborhood. What happens if you are not one of those people and perhaps haven’t been very neighborly. Come together but keep your distance.
Parents are making signs so they can walk around the neighborhood and see heartfelt messages hanging from the windows.
A Spanish fitness instructor also took to the rooftop to coordinate a group fitness class. Let’s not forget the unreasonable surge in popularity of the Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness.
It is a Coronavirus favorite, check out the trailer below.
Getting Creative with communication to come together
Many people have signed up for Zoom and are hosting groups all around their community. We’ve seen celebrities and friends join TikTok to lighten things up.
Jack Black’s recent posting made headlines and put smiles on fans everywhere.
Additionally, one little boy in California was heartbroken when he realized his birthday couldn’t be celebrated. No problem, Mom to the rescue. Jack’s Mom asked neighbors on a chat to put signs up in their window. She took Jack for a stroll later that day and he received a great surprise. See the full story in the link below.

It’s time to come together while also staying apart…sound strange?
Additionally, We urge people to listen to the leaders and respect the restrictions put in place. Here at A1A Atlantic Moving and Storage, we are considered an essential business, so we are taking all the necessary means to protect our customers. Finally, from our family to yours we are wishing you a safe and healthy time at home. We will get through this together.