As what is left of the school year winds down we want to remind you that Summer is a great time to move. Interest rates are down significantly and with the uncertain economy there may be more negotiating room on your dream home.
If your plans are to make a move in the near future, we are here to help. Here is a list of reasons a summer move is a popular choice. https://www.sparkenergy.com/5-reasons-why-people-choose-to-move-in-the-summer/
Why it’s a good time to move: Home-selling season peaks in the summer, which means it’s a good time to sell your home.
Increased demand for homes also means your abode is likely to sell for more during these months.
When school-age children are also on their summer break, families will benefit from moving in the summertime. After all, disrupting the school year with a major move can be quite a difficult task for all involved.
Why Do Some Kids Love School?
School is pretty much a job that we give to kids. Like the jobs we have as adults it is the place you must show up to every day, even when you don’t want to go.
The business of learning is work. It involves mental focus and self-discipline. That discipline is an important part of how school shapes kids.
Additionally, school can be an unpleasant experience for kids with learning disabilities, kids who have a conflict with teachers, social anxiety, Bullying, and kids who struggle with the self-discipline you need to be a good student.
Finally, there are many things to consider when choosing the right school for you child, especially if that is the driving factor for your relocation.
As a family-owned company, we want to help you make the right decision. To consult with one of our move coordinates please contact us at (954) 581-1711. We wish you a happy and healthy Summer.
You can also schedule a quote through our website. https://a1aatlantic.com/request-a-quote/